Information about the importance of oil to humans

Mentioned in ancient history that a ship of Noah has been covered inside and out with tar-black asphalt, as it was the Pharaohs use a type of bitumen in embalming the bodies of their dead to save them from decay, and used oil in lighting the evidence found on the Old him dry residue of crude oil lamp in the gold mines in Wadi bathrooms in Egypt, and used oil as a medicine of Dermatology and Rheumatology and dental pain and sores, burns, and used in wars (oil burning) as a weapon, as oil known in Iraq, Egypt and the island; where description Italian traveler (Marco Po) How was the oil moves on Beauty emerged from the Caspian Sea to Baghdad to areas where trafficking.The human need for energy sources and the diversity of their applications has led to interest in areas where there are those Almassadrkhalal history of the UAE rise and empires during which there have been wars and invasions which found a lot of natural resources, including (mineral water springs and sources of oil explanations), Ghazat forces settled on sites that The sources used it (as a means of treating diseases and epidemics) .ccant Kurdistan, one of the most important areas rich in those sources which attract the attention of Ghazat and occupiers to it, especially during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, with the emergence and development of the industrial revolution in Europe drew the attention of those industrialized countries search for oil in the Middle East by virtue of their relations with the Ottoman Empire and to increase their interest in expanding trade, which led them to create roads linking the provinces each otherReturning the discovery of oil to 1859 which Hfrol petroleum wells were it in the United States in Pennsylvania at the hands of (Edwin Drake), has Ttorastamal oil after it, especially after it has been the invention of the internal combustion machine in 1908 and became a petroleum is used to power cars, and spread those engines super fast. And enter the second decade of the twentieth century, a line of human oil to enter his new world of power and control, in the summer of 1914 the entire British navy turned Alyalpetrol, which led to the transformation of the First World War to the war between man and machines by the petroleum This is due to the importance of oil to
the extent that he described as Chairman The French government at the time that (every drop of oil equivalent to a drop of blood).Petroleum was the date of his career during the twentieth century, the whole world is awash events and closely linked to the conflict. Oil is the most important topic in the modern world politically, economically, and will remain Petroleum always the last word in the world's conflicts and economic policy, has succeeded oil its own properties unique to conquer the world and control it, and gave a new human life. Control rights on oil in stages primitive to use and when the oil industry has evolved and opened his international markets man became captivated by the needs and requirements subject to the oil, in addition to the complications that resulted from excessive interference of mankind in the nature of the exploitation of natural resources, including oil, which led to the disruption of the ecological balance of the planet system Earth, where scientists suggest that (the ecosystem of the land was in the balance of the creation of the Creator for the benefit of humans and the earth in the consistency and accuracy court suit and life of humans, animals and plants on the surface of the ground, despite the hurricanes, volcanoes and earthquakes and occurred on the ground through the history of its development, and Tgi all orders of creative Knowing the Almighty and he said in his book Almighty (I'm all for nothing have created as much) Sura: Verse 49.Alehiahaly ground pattern has changed and become human dependent on oil and its derivatives in the path of life, even in the provision of food, bringing with this change many risks threaten humans and the environment and the sources of life health (water, Hawa and soil) by deepening pollution Albethh risk as a result of excessive use of energy sources such as oil, At the same time present serious challenges may lead it to a decline in the global economy and thus reduce the evolution of human life, and this is why we are all particularly interested in the importance and the risks and challenges of oil in the stand it seriously for petroleum exploitation is believed to ensure the development of sustainable development and this is the substance of the motivation that drove me in the preparation of this book to people Estelh this science and by means of which can take effective action to harness the oil to serve people and to avoid the risks and challenges of oil.