Information about the importance of oil to humans

Mentioned in ancient history that a ship of Noah has been covered inside and out with tar-black asphalt, as it was the Pharaohs use a type of bitumen in embalming the bodies of their dead to save them from decay, and used oil in lighting the evidence found on the Old him dry residue of crude oil lamp in the gold mines in Wadi bathrooms in Egypt, and used oil as a medicine of Dermatology and Rheumatology and dental pain and sores, burns, and used in wars (oil burning) as a weapon, as oil known in Iraq, Egypt and the island; where description Italian traveler (Marco Po) How was the oil moves on Beauty emerged from the Caspian Sea to Baghdad to areas where trafficking.The human need for energy sources and the diversity of their applications has led to interest in areas where there are those Almassadrkhalal history of the UAE rise and empires during which there have been wars and invasions which found a lot of natural resources, including (mineral water springs and sources of oil explanations), Ghazat forces settled on sites that The sources used it (as a means of treating diseases and epidemics) .ccant Kurdistan, one of the most important areas rich in those sources which attract the attention of Ghazat and occupiers to it, especially during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, with the emergence and development of the industrial revolution in Europe drew the attention of those industrialized countries search for oil in the Middle East by virtue of their relations with the Ottoman Empire and to increase their interest in expanding trade, which led them to create roads linking the provinces each otherReturning the discovery of oil to 1859 which Hfrol petroleum wells were it in the United States in Pennsylvania at the hands of (Edwin Drake), has Ttorastamal oil after it, especially after it has been the invention of the internal combustion machine in 1908 and became a petroleum is used to power cars, and spread those engines super fast. And enter the second decade of the twentieth century, a line of human oil to enter his new world of power and control, in the summer of 1914 the entire British navy turned Alyalpetrol, which led to the transformation of the First World War to the war between man and machines by the petroleum This is due to the importance of oil to

Exercises to strengthen the genitals in men and women

Observed in men testicular atrophy, infertility and large breasts.

-alahz Women growth and density of hair in the facial area, and disturbance in the menstrual cycle, and Khechana sound.

-use Teenagers of these drugs leads to Zaoreh young heavily, especially in the upper back, shoulders, neck and face areas. Several cases where the injured athletes have been recorded, especially football players and runners, stroke, heart attack and stroke, as a result of the chronic use of drugs generating masculinity Constructivism.

Perfect physical and medicines Almnumeih muscles

Many people wonder about the harmful effects of drugs used in the muscles of the body development, with
athletes in bodybuilding, and components.

In this regard, I can answer the following:

Called steroidal chemicals used in the muscles of the body develop the following name: "Steroids generating masculinity constructivism" (Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids) is a group of drugs include hormone natural masculinity "testosterone" Testosterone and more than 52 drug artificially similar to testosterone and all these drugs structural properties muscles and generating masculinity, concerned with the promotion and show masculine characteristics.

Knock off

Deployed a lot of education about the effects of smoking on the body campaigns not only on himself a smoker, but all of the surrounding smoker from family and friends, there are intense efforts to

Olive papers containing chemical compounds that inhibit bacteriasuch bacteria and viruses
, fungi and parasites, and is characterized by olive leaf on other medicinal herbs
being irrelevant side effect or multiples intoxication, so do not fear of addressed in abundance, although there are olive leaf sold in pharmacies or herbaria Western countries extracts , the use of olive leaf astray possible and easy and accessible to everyone, but what we fear is the use this information marketing purhttpcommercial, there is no mystery in terms of experience, because the olive leaf known to everyone, and we want to advise people to consume without reservations or fear of any danger , and leave all the wrong way, such as rumors: I heard in the channel, or told me one, or read in some newspaper, all the gossip this topic is not unfounded and possibly enter the doubt in people not Bstfedon of physical therapy.
The olive leaf consume several forms, including the land and green an infusion or in the form of powder or Kettle in the water. If the wild olive fruit which does not give it the best. All people and call not to buy these securities, and Iktnoha free and let greed, and go back to the high values that Yesterday the in the UK from where many things are not sold, it is can not afford to do this good there is nothing good in it, and ask the citizens Mounatiq frequently the natural Olive, which does not address the pesticide to provide the brothers cities Bhdh stock. Because they found in abundance and traders should Isthioa of people, and not to sell their stock this topic in order to bless our God in their treatment, as well as recommending Valsedkh and medicine for the same.